Therapy for people who are ready to regain a sense of control and confidence in their lives.


Are you constantly second-guessing yourself and how you’re perceived?

Does the idea of failure feel paralyzing?

Struggling to say “no”?


Anxiety has a way of making us feel like life is out of our control—that no matter what we do, there’s always a chance we’ll mess up, fail, or be judged. You might be noticing this in your relationships, worried that you’ll be rejected or disliked. Maybe it’s showing up at work, checking your email 24/7 and feeling like you can’t turn that part of your life off. Despite working so hard to get to where you are today, you’re still not where you feel like “should” be.


Anxiety is a thief that steals your joy. Let’s get that joy back.

When it comes to anxiety, when you can name it, you can tame it. In therapy, we’ll work on identifying the feeling of anxiety, as well as its triggers, so that you feel empowered to manage it when difficult circumstances arise. I’ll support you in learning what works for you to calm your body and mind, whether that’s mantras you can repeat, exercise, reaching out to someone close to you, or something else.

Anxiety is not your fault. The systems we live in today are also likely contributing to what you’re experiencing, and as part of our work together, we’ll also look at ways to influence the things you can control, while releasing the things you can’t.

Together, we can work on:

  • Regaining a sense of control and direction over your life

  • Disrupting patterns of shame or self-doubt

  • Setting healthy boundaries that honor your needs

  • Cultivating healthy coping skills to manage anxious thoughts & feelings

  • Understanding the impacts of systems, family norms, and other parts of your past

  • Embracing your inner strengths, resilience, and resourcefulness


Life doesn’t have to feel this way forever.


More questions? Check out my FAQs page.